Love Against War” is a narrative that tells the story of ordinary young individuals willing to risk everything in pursuit of joy. In a setting marked by the constant fear of bombardment, these individuals turn to partying as an act of courage and resistance. The narrative seeks to unveil real-life experiences from Syria, where beauty and devastation coexist in an intricate dance.
The story is rooted in a powerful narrative that inspired the collection, initially recounted by Maya Chantout, the art director and a close friend of Charaf Tajer, the creative director of Casablanca. In June of 2023, Casablanca unveiled “For The Peace” during Paris Fashion Week. This presentation paid tribute to the vivacity and youthfulness thriving in Syria, celebrating life, love, and moments of joy. It aimed to share a story from a perspective of illumination, beauty, and artistry, rather than just shadows.
The AW23 campaign, “Love Against War,” was captured in Beirut and continues the narrative. It focuses on the courage and kindness of humanity while fostering empathy, understanding, and unity. Amid the chaos of war, there is a story of resilience, compassion, and love that transcends the barriers of violence. The campaign’s imagery embodies this paradox, where beauty, love, and the basic right to live triumph amid the horrors of conflict and pain.