The iconic Victoria’s Secret fashion show, titled “The Victoria’s Secret World Tour,” is set to make a comeback in 2023 as a video production, reimagined to blend documentary storytelling with the glamour of a runway spectacle. This revamped show is scheduled to premiere exclusively on Prime Video on September 26, 2023.
Victoria’s Secret & Co. is not only emphasizing the fashion spectacle but also its commitment to amplifying women’s voices as part of their renewed brand projection and mission. This reinvention reflects their contemporary identity.
A grand event was held in New York City on September 6th, featuring a pink carpet and a thrilling musical performance to kick off this cinematic journey. Fans worldwide were able to follow exclusive updates and behind-the-scenes glimpses on Victoria’s Secret’s Instagram page.
The show promises to be a sensory delight with mesmerizing performances by renowned artists Doja Cat and Sabrina Carpenter. In promotional imagery, Doja Cat is seen confidently wearing a striking ensemble, including a nude bralette, strappy panties, sheer tights, and lace-up satin boots. Sabrina Carpenter has teased her participation through rehearsal photos, showcasing a chic black crop top, a pleated miniskirt, and socks with the iconic “PINK” logo, offering a tantalizing preview of the upcoming VS World Tour.